Commemorating The United Nations’ Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Day – 10th December, 2017


A Call for the International Community of Nations Commitment to Measure, to secure The Universal and Effective Recognition and Observance of the “Universal  Declaration of Human Rights”

The United Nations Association of Nigeria (UNAN) joins the United Nations Secretary-General Prof Antonio Gutierres and the International as we all commemorate the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights Day today, 10th December, 2017 which marks the 69th Year of the Declaration.

Since it’s adoption on 10th December, 1948, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has gone a long way in extending the frontiers of human rights in the field of political, Civil, Economic, social and cultural rights. While a lot of progress has been made, challenges still remain in various areas in various areas of the world as reflected in wars and different conflicts which has subjected people to persecution and flee their countries for refuge. The recent cases of Africans being sold as slaves in Libya are another case in point. This is real challenge as the World celebrates this year’s human Right day. The UN, the African Union and the European Union have since rose to the challenge to call for an end to this despicable act of slavery of young Africans. UNAN calls for effective action to end this crime which is a total violation of the principles of the UHDR.

We also call on the Nigerian Government to intensify its efforts in its fight against terrorist activities in the North – West and improve life of the IDPs in line with the vision of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goals for 2030 is geared towards a universe or world where humanity is free and fair to all persons.

We use this day to call on the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to intensify its efforts at decongesting the Nigerian prisons which are currently heavily congested with thousands of ‘’Awaiting Trial” inmates, thereby denying a great number of people their fundamental rights to freedom and privacy and not to mention millions of people languishing in various Police cells.

Happy celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights day.


Engr. Owolabi Ganiyu

UNAN Secretary-General