We the members of the United Nations Association of Nigeria:


Commit ourselves to supporting the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations,


Envisage being the people’s movement for the United Nations,


Undertake to support, promote and defend the fundamental human rights of all people irrespective of their status, gender, sex, nationality, religious or political belief,


Reaffirm our responsibility to contribute towards the human development, social justice and political maturity for the benefit of mankind,





Uphold, nurture and abide by the core values of volunteerism, tolerance, gender equality, non-discrimination, participation, transparency and accountability, and strive to become and remain a member driven association;





Do hereby give to ourselves the following Constitution:




1.(a)    There is hereby established an Association known as the “United Nations Association of Nigeria” abbreviated as UNAN hereafter referred to as “the Association”.


1(b)     The emblem of the Association shall be the United Nations Logo with UNA at the top and “NIGERIA” at the lower part


  1. The Association was founded in the year 1958 but became duly registered on 14th August 2018 with Registration Number CAC/IT/NO 116171 under the Nigeria Companies & Allied Matters Act Chapter 59 of Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1990) as a voluntary, nonprofit, non-Governmental Organization.


  1. The Headquarters of the Association shall be 19, Alfred Rewane Road (NOTAP Building) Ikoyi, Lagos.





4.(A) Aims

The aims of the Association shall be:

(a)-      To promote the ideals of the UN particularly to


  • Encourage mutual understanding, solidarity and spirit of tolerance among all people of the World
  • Contribute to the removal of obstacles to peace, injustice and to work for the promotion of security, disarmament and development of peaceful co-existence among the nations


(b)       To disseminate news and information about the United Nations among grassroots people


(c)        To consult regularly with government on matters of maintaining peace, promoting education, health, etc


4(B)  Objectives

The objectives of the Association shall be:

(a)       To support fully the purposes and principles of the United Nations as expressed in its charter.


(b)       To educate its members and others about the United Nations and its specialized Agencies.


(c)        To promote national and international peace, stability, understanding, solidarity and cooperation among people throughout the world without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.


(d)       To strive for the recognition of the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom throughout the world, and for the recognition of the responsibilities and duties which those rights involve for individuals and communities, and for the improvement of economic and social conditions.


(e)       To contribute to the removal of obstacles to peace, to work for justice, security and to promote the development of peaceful co-operation among nations.


(f)      To promote research, information and education about the principles, activities and potentialities of the United Nations and to help shape its agenda and mandate.


(g )      To provide a platform for people’s engagement in the United Nations

activities and processes.

(h)       To implement projects in furtherance of goals and development targets of the United Nations and those of the United Nations Association of Nigeria.


(i)         To collaborate actively with the United Nations agencies particularly the United Nations  Information Centre (UNIC) in disseminating news and information with other Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) promoting the cause of the United Nations.


4 (C)   Purpose


The purpose for which the Association is established is as follows:


(a)       To take such steps by personal or written appeals, public meetings or otherwise, as may from time to time be deemed expedient for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the Association in the shape of donations, annual subscriptions or otherwise;


(b)       To print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, books or leaflets that the Association may think desirable for the promotion of its objects and purpose;


(c)       To encourage donations for democratic, charitable and community purposes;


(d)       To share and distribute information in cooperation with other United Nations (UN) centres whenever possible about the programs, functions and activities of the United Nations Association of Nigeria,


(e)       To mobilise public support for and popular participation in those UN programs in which citizens are expected to play a role;


(f)        To publicise the numerous UN and UNAN success stories – giving evidence that we all ultimately benefit from such UN and UNAN programs;

(g)       To consult regularly with the government on matters of maintaining peace, promoting education, health, etc.;


(h)       To work in cooperation with the Government and other relevant organizations’ and associations to develop educative programs to assist students and community members from all cultural backgrounds in Nigeria to appreciate, understand and adopt the principles of citizenship, cross-cultural harmony and rights that are subscribed to by their governments and official community leaders in agreement with those articled in the Charter of the United Nations.


(i)         To establish relationships with members of the media and act as a catalyst to stimulate public debate and to promote accurate coverage of the UN, UNAN and its programs;


(j)         To collaborate with other National, and international voluntary organisations and civil society groups on projects related to the work of the UNAN;


(k)        To join with other UN Associations and UN Youth Associations in the   framework   of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) to extend the impact of their programs to the local, national, regional, and global levels.






The following shall be the membership categories of the Association:


  1. (i) Honorary members:


(a)       There shall be honorary members whose membership has been conferred upon them by reason of their outstanding contribution in the pursuance of mandate and principles of the United Nations and United Nations Association of Nigeria.


(b)       The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall be the Grand Patron of the Association.


(c)        The Executive Committee shall approach the potential persons to join the Association as Patrons and Honorary members and recommend their names at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).


(d)       Non-citizens may be entitled to Honorary membership on application or as may be requested by the Executive Committee.


(e)       Honorary Members may participate in the activities of the Association but shall not have the right to vote.


(f)        Honorary Members shall not be required to pay enrolment fee or annual subscription fee but they may make voluntary contributions to the Association.


  1. (ii) Individual Members:


(a)       All citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria of 18 years of age and above, who signify their general agreement with and are prepared to abide by this Constitution with good character, irrespective of race or creed, may apply for membership of the Association in any nearby Branch of the Association or online where applicable.


(b)       Branches and Chapters shall be represented in the AGM and Monthly General Meeting in a manner and number as shall be determined by the General Assembly.


  1. (iii) Associate Members:


(a)      Non-governmental Organizations, Associations, Clubs and Institutions.


(b)       Associate members shall be represented in the AGM and Monthly General Meeting in a manner and number as shall be determined by the General Assembly.


  1. (B) Membership Procedure:


(a)       Every applicant for any categories of membership of the Association shall be proposed by one member of the Association and seconded by another member. The application for membership shall be made in writing, signed by the applicant and the proposer and seconder, and shall be in such form as the Board of Management from time to time prescribes.


(b)       Any person wishing to become individual member of the Association shall make   an   application, in   writing, to   the   Secretary-General   of   the Association in a prescribed form through any nearby Branch or fill an online application form where applicable.


(c)        Applications for the associate membership shall be done through a letter addressed to the secretary general.


(d)       Any applicant for membership of the Association shall be deemed to be a member of the Association with effect from the date his application has been accepted and the prospective member is so notified in writing by the Secretary General or any other person duly authorized on that behalf.


(e)       A prospective member shall attain the age of eighteen (18) years either before or after the date of admission.


(f)        There shall be a YOUTH WING and any member that is between Eighteen (18) and Thirty (30) years belongs to this wing of the Association.


(g)       Life Membership shall be for Members who have been ACTIVE in service of The Association for a minimum of Ten (10) Years



  1. (C) Disciplinary Actions:


(a)       At any time if any member of the association contravenes any part of this Constitution, its by-laws, regulations or decisions passed by the relevant organs of the association shall be subjected to disciplinary action.


(b)       The Branch or Executive Committee as the case may be shall inform the defaulting member of the offence and accord that member an opportunity to be heard.


(c)        If upon investigation and considering the member’s defense the Branch or Executive Committee is satisfied that the accused member is guilty of the offense it may reprimand, warn or suspend that member for certain period of time depending on the severity of the offence.


(d)       If in the opinion of the Branch or Executive Committee that member should be denied the membership of the Association, the Executive Committee shall suspend that member until the next Annual General Meeting or Monthly General Meeting where it shall present its recommendation. The decision of the Annual General Meeting or Monthly Meeting shall be final.



  1. (D) Termination of Membership:


(a)      A member of the Association shall cease to be a member thereof:


(i)        If that member notifies the Secretary General in writing of a wish to terminate membership.


(ii)       For the case of individual member, if he/she leaves Nigeria permanently, unless he/she notifies the Secretary General of his/her wish to remain a member and undertakes to pay the appropriate subscription.


(iii)       For collective member, if a member is de-registered or made unlawful in a legal process or it is declared bankrupt as per the Bankruptcy Act.


(iv)      If member’s subscription is more than two years in arrears.


(v)       For the case of natural person if he/she dies or becomes mentally unstable to make logical decisions


(b)       Where a member whose membership has been terminated on account of his/her/its subscription being more than two years in arrears and desires to resume his/her/its membership, that member shall be called upon to pay the arrears of the subscription. That membership, which is otherwise terminated, shall be deemed valid from the date of his/her re-registration and effective operating retrospective as from the date termination of membership was effective.





There shall be a Patron and Honorary Members of the Association.


(a)       The Patron of the Association shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and endorsed by the AGM.


(b)      The Honorary President of the Association shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and endorsed by the AGM.


(c)        The Patron and the Honorary President shall be persons of outstanding character, committed to and believers of the principles and mandate of the United Nations.


(d)The Patron and the Honorary President of the Association shall collectively have consultative and supportive function aimed at guiding the Association to meeting its objectives and fulfilling its mandate within the framework of the provisions of this constitution






  1. (A) Entry Fee


(a)       Upon approval of application for membership every member shall be required to pay in lump sum the entry fee.


(b)       The entry fee for each category of membership shall be determined and reviewed from time to time by the AGM.


(c)       The Patron and Honorary President of the Association shall not be required to pay an entry fee but may make voluntary contribution as they may so wish.


  1. (B) Membership Fees


(a)      The membership fees shall be payable in such an amount, at such a time and in such a manner as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine.


(b)       The enrolment fee shall be Five Thousand Naira (N5,000.00). The annual subscription per member shall be Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000.00) payable in bulk or monthly installments from 1st January of every year.


(c)       The life membership fee of the Association shall be the minimum of Hundred Thousand Naira (N100,000.00)


(d)       The various fees stated above are subject to amendment by the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Article XVI


7 (C)  Annual Subscription


  • Every year each member of the Association shall be required to pay annual subscription payable in lump sum not later than the date of the next Annual General Meeting.


  • The annual subscription for each category of membership shall be determined and reviewed from time to time by the AGM or Monthly General Meeting.






  1. The Association shall:


(a)       Be a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA).


(b)      Strive to achieve its objectives through membership in the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA).


(c)       Cooperate with other United Nations Associations (UNAs) in pursuing the objectives of WFUNA.


(d)      Endeavour to participate in the activities conducted under WFUNA auspices.












  1. 9. (A) The Association shall:


(a)       Strive to achieve its objectives and mandate through collaborations with the Youth Wing of the United Nations Association of Nigeria (YUNA).


(b)      UNA Nigeria and YUNA shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to define the nature of their collaboration.






Rule 1: Constitution of the United Nations Association of Nigeria

  1. These Rules of Procedure are adopted in accordance with Article VI Of the Constitution of UNAN


  1. These Rules of Procedure have to be interpreted in light of the UNAN Constitution


  1. In any case of conflict between the UNAN Constitution and these Rules of Procedure, which cannot be resolved by means of interpretation, the UNAN Constitution takes precedence


Rule 2: Youth Wing of UNA Nigeria

  1. Youth Wing of UNAN is the Youth network of UNAN, it is an integral part of UNAN. Youth Wing of UNAN takes its decisions on project and budgetary matters autonomously in consultation with the UNAN Board of Executive
  2. Youth Wing of UNAN connects young people and further their activities in cooperation with other United Nations Youth Associations and Youth Programmes in foreign states


Rule 3: Tasks of Youth Wing of UNAN

Youth Wing of UNAN has the principle to recommend consensus and remain committed to UNAN. Furthermore, Youth Wing of UNAN commits to materializing the principles of United Nations and to development/strengthening of youth activities by raising awareness on specific issues.


It is achieved by carrying out projects as Youth Wing of UNAN projects. Youth Wing of UNAN informs Youth-NGOs any other Youth representatives about possibilities for representation of Nigeria and any other participation at the UN. In addition to these, Youth Wing of UNAN cooperates with other UN Youth Associations and UNA Youth Wings to share information and experiences through various channels such as internet platform, etc.



Rule 4: Organs of Youth Wing of UNAN

The organs of the Youth Wing of UNAN are the Plenary Meeting and the Coordinating Committee


Rule 5: Membership and Responsibilities

Membership shall be open to Youths between 18 and 30 years of age. Membership to Youth Wing of UNAN of young persons within the age bracket is regarded as Youth Members of UNA-Nigeria and all aspects of the Constitution apply.


Applicable membership fee is Five Thousand Naira (N5,000.00) annually payable to the official accounts of UNA-Nigeria.


  1. Members may give up membership if and when they so desire. However, in this case, membership fee shall not be refunded.
  2. Any member who acts or behaves contrary to the provisions of UNAN’s Constitution is dismissed from membership by the Coordinating Committee. In this case, membership fee is not refunded
  3. The membership ceases if
  4. The member cannot be reached due to failure on his/her part and
  5. He/She fails to pay up membership fees for two consecutive years
  • Those who lose membership under i and ii above, may regain membership to the Section by resolution of the Coordinating Committee, provided that they pay up their unpaid past fees
  1. Members who do not attend two of the meetings and activities without any valid justification will be given warnings. Once they get two warnings in total, they will lose their membership.


Rule 6: Youth Wing of UNAN -Plenary Meeting  

Youth Wing of UNAN Plenary Meetings takes place annually. Each Member of the Wing has one vote at the Plenary Meeting. The functions of Youth Wing of UNAN Plenary Meetings are:

  1. Planning UNA-Nigeria Youth Projects
  2. Exchange of experience and ideas among participants with regards to UNA-Youth Projects
  3. Election of the Coordinating Committee and/or adoption of resolutions and annual plans


Criteria for nomination:

  1. Active participation in Eighty percent (80%) of all activities and meetings


The Election:

  1. Candidates who fulfill the criteria above, can use every agreed sources of communication for the publicity such as Association web-site, group WhatsApp, etc until the election day


  1. Election Clerk is appointed for the election. Election Clerk who is willing to undertake this task, can be appointed on election day. Election Clerks are maximum of Three (3) Members


The Election Clerks:

  1. Are responsible for vote count
  2. Cannot Vote
  3. Coordinate Voting Procedure
  4. In case of objection with a sufficient number of people who object the election, elections may be recalled


Rule 7: The Coordinating Committee

  1. The task of the Coordinating Committee is to lead Youth Wing of UNAN Section. It decides which project(s) Youth Wing of UNAN Section is to carry out. Coordinating Committee seeks ways to increase and engage members of Youth Wing of UNAN Section


  1. The Coordinating Committee comprises of the Youth Coordinator who is to lead, Programs/Projects Coordinator, a General Secretary and Media Coordinator. Leadership of Youth Wing of UNAN is open to Youths from 18 to 30 years. A member of the coordinating Committee who turns 30 will not be eligible for re-election


  1. Members of the Coordinating Committee are elected by the Youth Wing of UNAN Section Plenary Meeting for a term of 2 Years. The Term ends with the next Youth Wing of UNAN Section Plenary Meeting or with their resignation or due to them turning 30 years of Age


  1. i. The role of Youth Coordinator is to be the official representative of Youth Wing of UNAN and liaison between the Coordinating Committee and the Executive Leadership of UNA Nigeria. He/She coordinates all activities and monitors progress.
  2. The General Secretary is responsible for documenting all records, preparing annual reports and developing meetings and projects feedbacks and reports
  • The Programs Coordinator is responsible for developing project/program plans for the Youth and propose this for adoption to the Coordinating Committee
  1. The Media Coordinator is responsible for promotions and publicity of the Youth activities across all platforms. She/He is also responsible for membership drive, engagement and digital content promotions


5..The Coordinating Committee meets as at when scheduled during the year


  1. Each Member of the Coordinating Committee has one vote in the Coordinating Committee
  2. In any case of withdrawal by any Coordinating Committee member or termination of the term of office, within one week after the official application for withdrawal or end of his/her term of office, the new member of Coordinating Committee is designated by the Coordinating Committee\
  3. Members of the Coordinating Committee should be active as often as possible as Project Coordinators



Rule 8: Representation in the UNA Nigeria Executive Committee Council

UNA Nigeria Youth Section is represented in the UNA Nigeria Executive Committee by Youth Coordinator. In any case of absence of the Coordinator, any other Member of the Coordinating Committee can be nominated


Rule 9: Representation in International Platforms

Any member of the Youth Section has the right to apply for any representation in International Platforms. The Coordinating Committee decides conformity of people (except the Youth Coordinator) who will represent Youth Wing of UNAN Section at the conferences and activities of WFUNA, where UNA Youth is officially invited.

In any case of a situation in which the Youth Coordinator cannot participate, the Coordinating Committee decides who will represent the Youth Section.


Rule 10: Finances

The Youth Coordinator is accountable for the financial matters of Youth Wing of UNAN Section.


All expenditures must be in pursuance of the tasks set out in these Rules of Procedure as well as the principles outlined in the UNA Nigeria Constitution.


Members of the Coordinating Committee and Project Coordinators contribute to Youth Wing of UNAN Section as volunteers and shall not receive any financial or other material benefit for doing so.


Rule 11: Amendments to Rules of Procedure

The Youth Wing of UNAN Section Rules of Procedure can be amended at any Youth Wing of UNAN Section Plenary Meeting with a two-third (2/3) Majority of the Members present and voting.








The Association shall have collaborative relationship with other voluntary organizations that have similarities with the Association’s Aims and Objectives in areas and/or matters of common interest.









The Following are the organs of the Association:


  1. General Assembly
  2. Board of Executive Council
  3. National Executive Committee
  4. State Branches
  5. Chapters
  6. The Secretariat
  7. Disciplinary Committee





(I)         The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Association responsible for the entire objects, policy and work mandate as defined in this Constitution.


(II)        It shall have the authority to decide on all questions which any member of the Association or the Executive Committee may submit to it in accordance with the procedure set out in this Constitution.




The General Assembly examines the reports from the Board of Executive Council on the activities of Association and takes decisions on them.

  1. It seeks ways to increase the number of Members and to further the improvement of the activities of the Association and widen the scope. It plans out the activities; and in this connection sets general principles


  1. It elects the Officers of the Association, members and alternate members of any constituted Committee and the Disciplinary Committee by secret voting


  1. It takes resolutions in connection with the Association’s International Relations and Operations, joining to or dissociating itself from societies and federations outside the Country and to participating in their activities


  1. It amends the Constitution of the Association at the Annual General Meeting with a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members upon the written request of one-fifth (1/5) of the Board of Executive or all of the Members


  1. It carries out other liabilities as demanded by the Statute in force, or by the Constitution and the Board of Executive Council of the Association


  1. The authority of dissolving the Association also rests with the General Assembly.





  1. The General Assembly convenes with the presence of at least one more than half the Members who qualify for participation in the General Assembly


  1. The General Assembly my also hold extra-ordinary meetings when needed and requested in writing by the Board of Executive Council or by one-fifth of the numbers of Members


  1. The General Assembly convenes upon the invitation of the Board of Executive Council


  1. The Board of Executive Council prepares beforehand the list of the members who qualify for participation


  1. The qualifying Members are invited at least 15 days prior to the meeting, by an announcement in an acceptable electronic communication specifying the date, hour, place and agenda of the meeting
  2. In this announcement, the date of the second meeting is also specified


  1. The Interval between the dates of the first and second meetings may not be shorter than one month


  1. If the meeting is postponed for a reason other than lack of quorum, the reasons for postponement are notified to the members through the same Communication link on which the original meeting announcement was made


  1. The second meeting must take place within two months at the latest as of date of postponement


  1. Before entering the meeting room, the members attending the Annual General Meeting put their signatures opposite their names on the list prepared by the Board of Executive Council. The meeting is conducted by the President


  1. In Annual General Meetings, only those topics which take place on the Agenda may be discussed. It is obligatory to add on the Agenda these topics which are requested by at least one tenth of the number of Members present at the meeting


  1. All resolutions of the General Assembly, except those relating to amendments to the Constitution of the Association and to the dissolution of the Association, are taken with votes of one more than half the number of Members present at the meeting; decisions relating to the dissolution of the Association are taken by two thirds majority of the votes cast.



  2. The Board of Executive is the Executive body of all arms of the Association which gives effect to the General Assembly resolutions. It carries out daily business. It puts forward proposals to the General Assembly for amendments to the Constitution. It fixes the date and agenda of the General Assembly meeting and summons the General Assembly to meeting. It organizes matters relating to the incomes and expenditures of the Association; makes up the budget and submits it to the General Assembly for approval.


  1. Members of the Board of Executive Council are composed of the President of the Association, Chairman of State Branches and Coordinators of State Chapters


  1. The Board of Executive Council convenes in the early days of each month, except otherwise, upon summons served by the President. It discusses the matters on the Agenda and takes resolutions on them. The President may invite the Board of Executive Council to meet more frequently if deemed necessary.



There shall be a National Executive Committee of the Association which shall consist of the following:-


(i)   President, Vice-President, Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Programme Officer, Auditors,  Ex-Officio members


(ii)        The Executive Committee may co-opt any other member as its Ex- Officio member for specific period and for specific reason.


C.1      Functions of the National Executive Committee


(i)        It shall be responsible for overall running of the Association.


(ii)       It shall be responsible for making arrangements for the planning of the Annual General Meetings of the Association.


(iii)     It shall approve appointments of the members of the Secretariat.


(iv)       It shall meet as and when necessary at least once every three months; and shall make its own rules of procedure.


(v)      It may delegate any of its powers to any sub-committee or an individual as it may so form or appoint.


(vi)     It may form units, departments or specialized sections as it may deem fit.


(vii)     If a Committee member resigns or is prevented by any unavoidable cause from carrying out his duties other than by way of being recalled; it may co-opt any member of the Association, to take the place of a committee member who resigns or due to unavoidable circumstances is prevented from carrying out his duties until the next Annual General Meeting.


(viii)     Provided that where a member is so co-opted, the election for the office so covered shall be subject of election in the following AGM or Extraordinary Annual General Meeting whichever is earlier.


(ix)       It shall be responsible for controlling the administration and finances of the Association, including the opening and operation of a bank account and the designation of cheques and contracts.


(x)       It shall prepare the agenda for the General and Monthly Meetings of the Association.




            Branches of the Association


(a)       The Association may at any time form or cause to be formed branches in any part of the country.


(b)      A Branch shall be formally constituted when it has been recognized and given provisional status by the Executive Committee and subsequently confirmed by the AGM / General Assembly.


  • The Branch shall be constituted and operate according to this constitution and the rules of procedure as shall be approved by the AGM. Each Branch shall develop its own internal rules of procedure in accordance with this constitution.




E(1)    Chapters of The Association

Chapters of the Association may be established throughout Nigeria

  • The National Executive Council may by resolution form and constitute a new Chapter from any Branch at any time
  • The initial membership of a Chapter shall not be less than ten (10) Persons approved for membership by the National Executive Council
  • All Chapters shall be responsible to the Branch and shall submit its reports to its Branches who in turn sends the report to the National Executive Council as required
  • All Chapters shall be responsible for promoting the objects of the Association in their respective localities by such means as recruiting members, dissemination of information, public meetings, lectures, film/video displays, distribution of literature and other activities
  • All Chapters shall operate in a manner consistent with this Constitution, and in accordance with rules and by-laws determined by the National Council, and where established or incorporated , shall amend their Rules and Constitutions accordingly as directed by the National Executive Council
  • Each Chapter shall be comprised of members living or working within an agreed distance as decided by the Branch
  • The Chapter Executive shall be the Coordinator and a Secretary and such numbers of members as may be determined from time to time by the Annual General Meeting of the Branch


E (2)   The Chapter Executives Activities shall be as follows:

  1. To conduct the affairs of the Chapter
  2. To report on the activities of the Chapter to the Branch
  3. To meet at such regular intervals as it may determine
  4. Members of the Chapter Executive shall, subject as herein provided, remain in office, subject to death or resignation, until their successors are elected
  5. The terms for Chapter Offices shall be two (2) years with a maximum of up to four consecutive years in any one position except in the event of no other nominations being received



E (3)    Chapter shall

  1. Hold General Meeting not later than the last Tuesday in each month or otherwise stated by the Branch
  2. Present an Annual Report and an audited (or reviewed) financial statement at the Annual General Meeting
  • Elect the Chapter officers and members of the Chapter Committee by secret ballot, if necessary
  1. Allow each financial member present at the meeting one vote
  2. Appoint an Auditor


  1. (4) Chapter Financial Provisions
  2. Each Chapter will close its financial year on 30th November each year
  3. Each Chapter shall maintain a bank account and/or Investments Accounts to be operated as directed by the Branch Committee


The Chapter may be placed in recess by the National Executive Council if the financial membership is reduced to less than five members, in which event the balance of the funds shall be transferred to the National Office Account to be used as the National Executive Council may decide.




            The Secretariat of the Association


(a)       There shall be a Secretariat of the Association consisting of the Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General and such other staff as may be appointed.


(b)       Appointment of staff and employees shall be done by the Secretary General provided that he/she shall table such appointments and justification thereon in the next Executive Committee meeting for approval before becoming effective.


(c)        Secretary General shall be the head of the secretariat and shall preside over all secretariat meetings.


  • Secretary General shall develop and recommend to the Executive Committee rules of procedure for all employees and volunteers of the Association. The Executive Committee shall consider the proposed rules of procedure and shall be approve as appropriate.


  2. The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for considering recommendations for disciplinary actions against members presented by the appropriate investigatory body and for taking actions on those recommendations as it deems appropriate in accordance with procedures described in the bylaws of UNAN for Disciplinary Actions.



G.1      Disciplinary Committee Operating Guidelines

The United Nations Association of Nigeria (UNAN) hereby adopts the following operating guidelines to govern the administration of the Disciplinary Committee’s activities. These guidelines are intended to enhance and not conflict with the Rules of Procedure for Disciplinary Actions. To the extent these guidelines may conflict with the Rules of Procedure, the Rules of Procedure shall take precedence. These operating guidelines are internal document for use solely in the Disciplinary Committee’s discharge of its responsibilities.



  1. Establishment and Purposes


The Disciplinary Committee is established in accordance with and for the purpose set forth in the bye-laws of UNAN


  1. Appointment of Members


The Disciplinary Committee shall be composed of Five (5) Members all of whom shall be members of UNAN against whom no actions by the Disciplinary Committee shall be pending at time of appointment by the President and none of whom shall be members of the Board of Executive Council.


  1. Authority

The Disciplinary Committee has authority to:

  1. Prescribe its own guidelines for approval by the Board of Executive Council
  2. Prescribe Rules of Procedure for Disciplinary Actions for approval and promulgation by the Board of Executive Council
  • Refer to the appropriate investigatory body all complaints, questions or requests for advice concerning alleged violations of the Code of Conduct and all questions which may arise as to the conduct of a member of UNAN in the member’s relations with the UNAN or its members or in the member’s professional practice or questions affecting the interests of UNAN
  1. Convene a Disciplinary Committee Panel as necessary with retained counsel in attendance, to consider and act upon recommendations for disciplinary actions against member of UNAN
  2. Ensure adherence to high standards of confidentiality and due process in all proceedings involving individual cases
  3. In the event of an appeal of the decision of the Disciplinary Committee Panel, furnish the Appeal Panel with the decision of the Disciplinary Committee Panel including the full written record, decision, findings and vote of the Disciplinary Committee Panel and otherwise cooperate with the Appeals Panel in consideration of such appeal
  • Engage in any other necessary activities to further its purposes and perform its assigned functions.








All Officers of the Association shall be elected for a term of 2 years in the first instance but are eligible for another term of 2years.


(A)       The National Officers of the Association shall comprise of the following;

(i)       The President

(ii)      The Vice-President

(iii)       The Secretary General

(iv)       The Assistant Secretary General

(v)       The Treasurer

(vi)      The Financial Secretary

(vii)      The Programme Officer

(viii)     The Auditors

(ix)      Ex-Officio members (2 No.)


National Officers shall be elected by the General Assembly during the Annual General Meeting



  1. Branch Officers:

The Branch Officers of the Association shall comprise the following:

  1. Chairman
  2. Secretary
  3. Financial Secretary/Treasurer
  4. 2 Ex-Officio Members


Branch officers shall be elected by their own members to be headed by a Chairman


  1. Chapter Officers:

The Chapter Officers of the Association shall comprise the following:

  1. Coordinator
  2. Assistant Coordinator



Chapter Officers shall be elected by their own members headed by a Coordinator



SECTION 2Function of the National Officers of the Association


(a)      The President


(i)        Shall be the spokesperson of the Association.


(ii)        Shall preside over both Executive and General meeting meetings of the Association.


(iii)      Shall in consultation with the Secretary General convene the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting or Monthly General Meeting.


(iv)     Shall be the head and overall leader of the Association with the capacity to   negotiate, enter into agreement and bind the Association.


(v)        Shall approve the major decisions and financial expenditure of the Secretariat.


(vi)      shall have a casting vote when there is a tie;


(vii)      shall appoint any member upon the advice of the Executive Committee to act in vacant post (a), pending appropriate election(s),


(viii)    shall counter sign all minutes of the Association’s meetings


(ix)       shall counter sign cheques and other financial documents as may be deemed necessary



(b)       The Vice-President

(i)        Shall assist the President in discharge of the function of the office of the President.


(ii)        Shall discharge the duties of the President except those listed in (v) & (ix) above in whenever the President is unavoidably absent.


(iii)       Shall perform any functions as may be delegated to him by the President or the Executive Committee.


(c)       The Secretary General

(i)         Shall be in charge of day to day functions of the Association.



(ii)        Shall be the head of the Secretariat.


(iii)       Shall be the Secretary to AGMs, Monthly General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings.


(iv)      Shall report to the Executive Committee on the activities of the Association at least once in every three months.


(v)        Shall prepare the annual report of the Association and present it in the Annual General Meeting or Monthly General Meeting.


(vi)      Shall in consultation with the President convene the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting or Monthly General Meeting.


(vii)      Shall be one of the signatories to operate the Association’s Bank Account(s)


(viii)    Shall prepare the annual calendar of events for the Association.


(d)       The Assistant Secretary General


(i)       Shall assist the Secretary General in the functions of the office of the Secretary General.


(ii)        Shall act as Secretary General in the absence of the latter.


(iii)       Shall not be a signatory to the Association’s cheques, passbooks or other financial transactions


(iv)      Shall perform any functions as may be delegated to him by the Secretary General or the Executive Committee.


(e)       The Treasurer

(i)         Shall receive all monies of the Association through the Financial Secretary.


(ii)        Shall pay all monies received into the bank within 48 hours from the time of receipt


(iii)       Shall keep up to date books of accounts, which shall be made available for inspection by appointed Auditors.

(iv)     Shall be one of the signatories to operate the Association’s Bank Account(s)


(v)        Shall keep an imprest account of not more than Five Thousand Naira (N5,000.00)


(vi)     Shall report to the Executive Committee on the finances of the Association monthly at least once in every three months.

(vii)      Shall prepare or cause to be prepared the annual financial report of the Association and present it in the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.


(f)        The Financial Secretary

(i)         shall receive and keep records of all dues and fees.


(ii)        shall make available the books of accounts for examination any time as may be demanded by the Executive Committee or appointed Auditors.


(iii)       shall pay all monies received on behalf of the Association to the Treasurer within 48 hours of receipt.


(iv)       shall issue receipt for all monies received


(g)       The Programs Officer

(i)       Shall be responsible for project ideas planning and implementation of projects to be carried out by the Association. The projects could also be generated by the Executive of other UNAN Members


(ii)        shall present official financial request to the Executive for further review and or approval

(iii)     shall develop annual programmes and work template for the Association in the year


(iv)    shall build and maintain partnerships for and on behalf of the Association


(v)    shall carry out other duties as may be assigned by the President








13.1     Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association



(a)       The Annual General Meetings of the Association shall be held in November of the year but not later than February of the preceding year once in a year. If a quorum is not reached, at any other day as may be convenient and a place decided by the Executive Committee.


(b)       Two months’ notice in writing of the intention to hold the Annual General Meeting, together with a copy of the agenda, shall be sent to every member of the Association.


(c)      Simple majority of the members shall form a quorum.


(d)       The business to be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting shall be restricted to that mentioned in the agenda.


(f)      The President of the Association shall preside over the General Meeting and shall have a casting vote. If the President is absent, the Vice-President shall preside, and if not present, one of the Executive Members shall be elected at the meeting to preside over the meeting.


(g)       The Annual General Meeting shall decide upon the time and place of the meeting for its next session. Should it not be possible then, the Secretary General must do so in consultation with the President of the Association.


13.2    Monthly General Meeting


(a)       The Chapter Chairperson shall, convene the Monthly General Meetings of the Chapters.


(b)       The business to be dealt with in the Monthly General Meeting shall be restricted to that mentioned in the agenda.


(d)       The Chairperson of the Chapter shall chair the Monthly General Meeting and shall have a casting vote. If the Chairperson is absent, the Secretary shall preside, and, absence of both the Chairperson and the Secretary, one of the Committee Members shall be elected by the Monthly General Meeting to preside over the Monthly General Meeting.


(e)       State branches of the Association shall also hold regular monthly meetings.


(f)        State branch emergency meetings may hold at the request of the Chairman through the Secretary.


13.3    National Executive Council Meeting


(a)      The President, or on the written application of any twelve financial members shall summon an emergency meeting of the Association through the Secretary-General.


(b)      Executive Council meetings shall be held twice in a year as occasions demand.


Composition of the Annual General Meeting and Monthly General Meeting:

  1. a) That every established branches, chapters and/or collective member shall be represented in the Annual General Meeting and Executive Council Meeting


  1. b) Every branch, chapter and collective member shall have an option of having five more alternate delegates, who shall vote only in the absence of an official delegate(s).


  1. c) Every member of the delegation shall have a vote but at any one time, no delegation shall have more than five (5) votes and votes shall be only for members that are present in the meeting.


  1. d) The said delegations on item one (a) above shall be the basis of establishing the quorum and decision for the Annual General Meeting



  1. e) Honorary members and other guests who may be invited by the Executive Committee may participate in the proceedings of the meetings but shall not have the right to vote.




            Elections of the Association:


(i)       The election of officers of the Association shall take place biennial (once in every two years) at the Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held in November. All members shall be entitled to vote and be voted for except those in arrears of one year’s subscription.


(ii)      All elections shall be done by secret ballot.


  1. A serving officer of the Association shall be eligible for re-election for maximum of two terms for the same position.


  1. Person eligible to be elected into the positions of the President, Vice-President and Secretary-General must have been active financial members for a minimum of five (5) years.


  1. Person eligible to be elected into the positions for the Treasurer and Financial Secretary must have been active financial members for a minimum of two (2) years


  1. d. Branches and Associate members shall have voting rights in a manner determined at the Monthly General Meeting.


  1. The quorum for decision during election shall be simple majority. Where there are only two candidates or there has been a rerun, the candidate with more votes than the other irrespective of whether it is simple majority shall be declared a winner.


  1. f. Where the votes tally a rerun will be conducted and after a rerun should the votes tally again the Presiding Chairperson shall have a casting vote.


  1. e. The GA shall, on recommendation of the Executive Committee, prepare electoral by laws to govern elections of the Association and the elections of Branches and Chapters.







            Members’ rights to recall officers of the Association


(a)      Members of the Association may recall any officer of the Association.


(b)       A signed petition by at least half of the members of the AGM shall be deemed to recall the officer and the officer shall be automatically suspended; such officer shall be served the petition and be accorded the right of reply.


(c)        Within one month after being served with the petition, if at least half of the members shall not be satisfied with response or incase of no response through reply members who have signed the petition or through the General meeting such office shall automatically be rendered vacant.


(d)       Within three months from the date the office was rendered vacant by recalling the officer, the AGM or Monthly General Meeting shall be convened and fresh election be conducted to fill the vacant office.


(e)       The Executive Committee may, by vote of no confidence of two thirds of its membership, recall and suspend any of its member or officer pending to the determination of the matter by Ordinary or Monthly General Meeting.






    Finances of the Association


  • The Association shall derive its funds from entry fees, subscriptions of its members, donations, grants, fund raising activities and income generating p The Executive Committee shall have power to impose special levy on members when occasions demand. It shall also have power to devise other means of raising funds for the Association.
  • Annual dues by State Branches to the National Body shall be Fifty Thousand Naira (N50,000.00) minimum.

(c)        All income of the Association shall be deposited in a Bank Account to be operated jointly by the Treasurer, the Secretary General and the President. Any two of the President, Secretary-General and the Treasurer shall be signatories to the Bank Account(s) of the Association.


(d)      For special accounts other than the main account of the Association the Executive Committee may authorize any person or persons in writing and on such terms as it may determine to operate such bank accounts.


(e)      The Financial Secretary shall keep the Executive Committee informed of the financial situation of the Association.


(f)       The Treasurer shall prepare a budget reviewed by the Financial Secretary) and shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for consideration and approval.


(g)       The Treasurer shall prepare or cause to be prepared a yearly statement of accounts that shall be endorsed by the Executive Committee before being submitted to the Annual General Meeting.


(h)      The financial year of the Association shall end on 31st October, of each year.


  1. Accounts and Audit


(a)       Audited financial accounts for the twelve months period ending on 31st December each year shall be prepared or caused to be prepared by the Financial Secretary and sent to every member of the Association together with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting.


(b)       Statements of accounts shall be checked by the Association auditors appointed.





  1. 18. Quorum


(a)       The quorum for all meetings of all organs of the Association, except the Monthly General Meeting, shall be a simple majority of its members. For Monthly General Meeting the quorum shall be one-third of the members.


(b)       For AGM and Monthly General Meeting, the members shall mean the representative of branch members and collective members.





.     Decisions in Meetings of the Association


(a)       The organs of the Association shall work on basis of consensus for ordinary matters.


(b)       Where consensus fails or where voting is the best option, decisions of the organs of the Association shall be by simple majority of those present and voting. Each vote shall be equal except the casting vote that is vested upon the President in case of tallying votes.


(c)       Provided that the decisions affecting the existence of the Association; the decision amending this Constitution and a vote of no confidence shall be by two thirds of the members present and voting in the respective organs.






    Amendments to the Constitution


(a)       Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in writing by any member, a branch or chapter of the Association or by the Executive Committee. The proposals should reach the Secretary General at least three (3) months before a session of the Annual General Meeting envisaged to effect those amendments.


(b)       Proposals for amendments, together with the comments of the Executive Committee, or any proposal to amend this Constitution from the Executive Committee, shall be circulated to members not less than one month before an ordinary session of the AGM, which will consider them.


(c)        Amendments to this Constitution can be made by the Annual Meeting General or Monthly Meeting, by a vote of a two-third of the members present and voting, and shall come into effect on their adoption.





    Dissolution of the Association


(a)       Any decision to dissolve the Association unless it happens by an operation of the law shall be made at the Annual General Meeting or by the General Assembly.


(b)       The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall administer the dissolution process in accordance with the law for the time being governing such dissolution.


(c)        The distribution of Assets of the Association shall be to likeminded organizations as shall be decided upon by the Annual General Meeting.





     Special provisions for Bye-laws


(a)       The Association may, through its AGM or Monthly General Meeting make By-laws as it deems fit.


(b)       In the situation where an interpretation of any By-law conflict with the interpretation of any provision of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail.


  1. 23. Trustees:


(a)      The Trustees of the Association shall comprise of Eight (8) Eminent Nigerians chosen by the National Executive Committee of the Association, and ratified at an Annual General Meeting.


  1. 24. Representations:


(a)      Persons to represent UNAN at outside engagement(s) in particular foreign ones shall be of good character and must have been active and financial members for a period of not less than 2 years.







_____________                                        __________________

PRESIDENT                                             SECRETARY-GENERAL